
For up to date publication details and citations, click here (google scholar)

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Rasmussen, T., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (In Press). On the role of prefrontal and parietal cortices in mind wandering and dynamic thought. Cortex.

Wards, Y., Ehrhardt, S. E., Garner, K. G., Mattingley, J. B., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2024). Stimulating prefrontal cortex facilitates training transfer by increasing representational overlap. Cerebral Cortex., 34(5).

Ehrhardt, S., Wards, Y., Rideaux, R., Marjanska, M., Jin, J., Cloos, M., Deelchand, D., Zöllner, H., Saleh., M., Hui, S, Ali, T., Shaw, T., Barth, M., Mattingley, J., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2024). Neurochemical predictors of generalised learning induced by brain stimulation and training. Journal of Neuroscience, 44(21).

Leow, L-A., Jiang, J., Bowers, S., Zhang, Y., Dux, P. E., & Filmer, H. L. (2024). Intensity-dependent effects of tDCS on motor learning are related to dopamine. Brain Stimulation, 17(3), 553-560.

Willmot, N. S., Leow, L-A., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2024). Exploring the intra-individual reliability of tDCS; a registered report. Cortex, 173, 61-79.

Leow, L-A., Bernheine, L., Carroll, T. J., Dux, P. E., & Filmer, H. L. (2024). Dopamine increases accuracy and lengthens deliberation time in explicit motor skill learning. eNeuro, 11(1).

Wards, Y., Ehrhardt, S. E., Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., Garner, K. G., & Dux, P. E. (2023). Neural substrates of individual differences in learning generalisation via paired brain stimulation and multitasking training. Cerebral Cortex, 33(24), 11679-11694.

Filmer, H. L., Loughnan, K., Seeto, J. X., Ballard, T., Ehrhardt, S. E., Shaw, T. B., Wards, Y., Rideaux, R., Leow, L-A., Sewell, D., & Dux, P. E. (2023). Individual differences in decision strategy relate to neurochemical excitability and cortical thickness. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(22), 7006-7015.

Leow, L-A., Marcos, A., Nielsen, E., Sewell, D., Ballard, T., Dux, P. E., & Filmer, H. L. (2023). Dopamine alters the effect of brain stimulation on decision-making. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(41), 6909-6919.

Willmot, N. S., Leow, L-A., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2023). Failure of tDCS to impact militarised threat-detection in a military cohort. Imaging Neuroscience, 1, 1-11.

Filmer, H. L., Ballard, T., Amarasekera, K.D.R., Sewell, D. K., & Dux, P. E. (2023). The causal role of the prefrontal and superior medial frontal cortices in the incidental manipulation of decision strategies. Neuropsychologia, 179.

Ehrhardt, S. E., Ballard, T., Wards, Y., Mattingley, J. B., Dux, P. E., & Filmer, H. L. (2022). tDCS augments decision-making efficiency in an intensity dependent manner: a training study. Neuropsychologia, 176.

Fox, A. J., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2022). The influence of self-reported history of mild traumatic brain injury on cognitive performance. Scientific Reports, 12(1).

Gordon, M. S., Seeto, J. X., Dux, P. E., & Filmer, H. L. (2022). Intervention is a better predictor of tDCS mind-wandering effects than subjective beliefs about experimental results. Scientific Reports, 12(1).

Rideaux, R., Ehrhardt, S. E., Wards, Y., Filmer, H. L., Jin, J., Deelchand, D. K., Marjańska, M., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2022). On the relationship between GABA+ and glutamate across the brain. NeuroImage, 257.

Tan, S. J., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2021). Age-related differences in the role of the prefrontal cortex in sensory-motor training gains: a tDCS study. Neuropsychologia.

Filmer, H. L., Marcus, L. H., & Dux, P. E. (2021). Stimulating task unrelated thoughts: tDCS of prefrontal and parietal cortices leads to polarity specific increases in mind wandering. Neuropsychologia.

Filmer, H. L., Ballard, T., Sewell, D. K., & Dux, P. E. (2021). Causal evidence for dissociable roles of the prefrontal and superior medial frontal cortices in decision strategies. Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance.

Ehrhardt, S. E., Filmer, H. L., Wards, Y., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2021). The influence of tDCS intensity on decision-making training and transfer outcomes. Journal of Neurophysiology.

Horne, K., S., Filmer, H. L., Nott, Z. E., Hawi, Z., Pugsley, K., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2020). Combining cognitive training and transcranial direct current stimulation in older adults. Nature Human Behaviour. Registered report.

Filmer, H. L., Ballard, T., Ehrhardt, S. E., Bollmann, S., Shaw, T. B., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2020). Dissociable effects of tDCS polarity on latent decision processes are associated with individual differences in neurochemical concentrations and cortical morphology. Neuropsychologia.

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2020). Modulating brain activity and behaviour with tDCS: rumours of its death have been greatly exaggerated. Cortex.

Filmer, H. L., Griffin, A., & Dux, P. E. (2019). For a minute there, I lost myself… dosage dependent increases in mind wandering via prefrontal tDCS. Neuropsychologia.

Filmer, H. L., Fox, A., & Dux, P. E. (2019). Causal Evidence of Right Temporal Parietal Junction Involvement in Implicit Theory of Mind Processing. NeuroImage.

Filmer, H. L., Ehrhardt, S. E., Shaw, T. B., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2019). The efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation to prefrontal areas is related to underlying cortical morphology. NeuroImage.

Filmer, H. L., Ehrhardt, S. E., Bollmann, S., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2019). Accounting for individual differences in the response to tDCS with baseline levels of neurochemical excitability. Cortex.

Filmer, H. L., Lyons, M., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Anodal tDCS applied during multitasking training leads to transferable performance gains. Scientific Reports, 7.

Bender, A. D., Filmer, H. L., Naughtin, C. K., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Dynamic, continuous multitasking training leads to task-specific improvements but does not transfer across action selection tasks. npj Science of learning, 2.

Bender, A. D., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Transcranial direct current stimulation of pre-supplementary motor area disrupts response selection, but only during proactive response inhibition. NeuroImage, 158, 455-465.

Filmer, H. L., Wells-Peris, R., Dux, P. E. (2017). The Role of Executive Attention in Object Substitution Masking. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 79(4), 1070-1077.

Filmer, H. L., Varghese, E., Hawkins, G. E., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Improvements in attention and decision-making following combined behavioural training and brain stimulation. Cerebral Cortex, 27(7), 3675-3682.

Bender, A. D., Filmer, H. L., Garner, K. G., Naughtin, C. N., & Dux, P. E. (2016). On the relationship between response selection and response inhibition: an individual differences approach. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 78(8), 2420-2432.

Filmer, H. L., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (2015). Dissociable effects of anodal and cathodal tDCS reveal distinct functional roles for right parietal cortex in the detection of single and competing stimuli. Neuropsychologia, 74, 120-126.

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2015). Object substitution masking for an attended and foveated target. Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance, 41(1), 6-10.

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2014). Applications of transcranial direct current stimulation for understanding brain function. Trends in Neurosciences, 37(12), 742-753. COVER ARTICLE

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2014). Size (mostly) doesn’t matter: the role of set size in object substitution masking. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 76, 1620-1629.

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., Marois, R., & Dux, P. E. (2013). Disrupting prefrontal cortex prevents performance gains from sensory-motor training. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(47), 18654-18660.

Filmer, H. L., & Monsell, S. (2013). TMS to V1 selectively disrupts discrimination of neutral, but not emotive, body postures. Neuropsychologia. 51(13), 2485-2491.

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2013). Improved multitasking following prefrontal tDCS. Cortex, 49, 2845-2852.

Data and materials

Filmer, H. L., Marcus, L. H., & Dux, P. E. (2022). Dataset for "Stimulating task unrelated thoughts: tDCS of prefrontal and parietal cortices leads to polarity specific increases in mind wandering.

Filmer, H. L., Griffin, A., & Dux, P. E. (2019). Dosage dependent increases in mind wandering via prefrontal tDCS.

Filmer, H. L., Fox, A., & Dux, P. E. (2019). Modulating Implicit Theory of Mind with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to the Right Temporal Parietal Junction.

Filmer, H. L., Ehrhardt, S. E., Bollmann, S., Shaw, T. B., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2019). Accounting for variability in the efficacy of tDCS with cortical structure and neurochemicals.